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Talk:The Queen of Sauce

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This talk page is for discussing The Queen of Sauce.
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Removed rerun bug

I removed this bug entry because I can't reproduce it in 1.3.36:

“At any point during the first 2-year cycle, a new recipe may air on a Wednesday instead of a Sunday. The episode will be labeled "Re-run" even though it is the first time shown. Normally the same recipe will air the following Sunday.”

I documented the testing process here since it's trickier than most bugs: (a) reruns are chosen randomly, so playing through the game for two years without seeing the bug might just mean you were lucky; and (b) the game internally uses the number of days played, not the date, so changing the date manually won't reflect vanilla behavior.

Instead we need to check the code directly, specifically TV.getWeeklyRecipe. If we strip out the display text logic, the method boils down to this:

stripped-down vanilla code 
protected virtual void getWeeklyRecipe()
   int id = (int)Game1.stats.DaysPlayed % 224 / 7;
   var recipes = Game1.temporaryContent.Load<Dictionary<string, string>>("Data\\TV\\CookingChannel");
   if (Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth) == "Wed")
      id = Math.Max(1, 1 + new Random((int)Game1.stats.DaysPlayed + (int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame / 2).Next((int)Game1.stats.DaysPlayed % 224) / 7);
      string key = recipes[id.ToString()].Split('/')[0];
      if (!Game1.player.cookingRecipes.ContainsKey(key))
         Game1.player.cookingRecipes.Add(key, 0);
      string key = recipes["1"].Split('/')[0];
      if (!Game1.player.cookingRecipes.ContainsKey(key))
         Game1.player.cookingRecipes.Add(key, 0);

Reviewing the code confirms two things:

  • A new recipe is never selected on Wednesday, since the exclusive max ID matches the last Sunday's ID.
  • The final Shrimp Cocktail recipe is never selected, which confirms the other listed bug. (Y2-winter-28 is daysPlayed 224, which results in ID 224 % 224 / 7 = 0. Since there's no ID 0, it defaults to 1 which is Stir Fry again.)

To make sure, here's a custom script which shows the first date each recipe can be shown (code copied from the game stripped out for brevity):

test script 
int DaysPerSeason = 28;
string[] Seasons = { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" };
int TotalYears = 3;

void Main()
   var recipes = new Dictionary<string, string> { ... }; // copied from Content/Data/CookingChannel.xnb
   var seenRecipes = new HashSet<string>();
   foreach (int year in Enumerable.Range(1, this.TotalYears))
      foreach (string season in this.Seasons)
         foreach (int day in Enumerable.Range(1, this.DaysPerSeason))
            var date = new WorldDate(year, season, day);
            int daysPlayed = date.TotalDays + 1; // date uses 0 for spring 1
            if (daysPlayed < 7)
               continue; // channel not shown yet

            foreach (var recipe in getWeeklyRecipe(daysPlayed, date.DayOfMonth, recipes))
               if (seenRecipes.Add(recipe))
                  string dateStr = $"Y{date.Year}-{date.Season.Substring(0, 4)}-{date.DayOfMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')} {shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(date.DayOfMonth)}";
                  $"{dateStr} [week {daysPlayed / 7}]: {recipe}".Dump();

protected IEnumerable<string> getWeeklyRecipe(int daysPlayed, int dayOfMonth, Dictionary<string, string> recipes)
   int num = daysPlayed % 224 / 7;
   if (shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(dayOfMonth) == "Wed")
      foreach (int id in Enumerable.Range(1, (daysPlayed % 224) / 7))
         if (recipes.ContainsKey(id.ToString()))
            yield return recipes[id.ToString()].Split('/')[0];
            yield return recipes["1"].Split('/')[0];
      yield break;

   if (recipes.ContainsKey(num.ToString()))
      yield return recipes[num.ToString()].Split('/')[0];
      yield return recipes["1"].Split('/')[0];

public static string shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(int dayOfSeason) { ... } // copied from Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason
public class WorldDate { ... } // copied from game code

And here's the result, which matches the documented dates:

script result 
Y1-spri-07 Sun [week 1]: Stir Fry
Y1-spri-14 Sun [week 2]: Coleslaw
Y1-spri-21 Sun [week 3]: Radish Salad
Y1-spri-28 Sun [week 4]: Omelet
Y1-summ-07 Sun [week 5]: Baked Fish
Y1-summ-14 Sun [week 6]: Pancakes
Y1-summ-21 Sun [week 7]: Maki Roll
Y1-summ-28 Sun [week 8]: Bread
Y1-fall-07 Sun [week 9]: Tortilla
Y1-fall-14 Sun [week 10]: Trout Soup
Y1-fall-21 Sun [week 11]: Glazed Yams
Y1-fall-28 Sun [week 12]: Artichoke Dip
Y1-wint-07 Sun [week 13]: Plum Pudding
Y1-wint-14 Sun [week 14]: Chocolate Cake
Y1-wint-21 Sun [week 15]: Pumpkin Pie
Y1-wint-28 Sun [week 16]: Cranberry Candy
Y2-spri-07 Sun [week 17]: Pizza
Y2-spri-14 Sun [week 18]: Hashbrowns
Y2-spri-21 Sun [week 19]: Complete Breakfast
Y2-spri-28 Sun [week 20]: Lucky Lunch
Y2-summ-07 Sun [week 21]: Carp Surprise
Y2-summ-14 Sun [week 22]: Maple Bar
Y2-summ-21 Sun [week 23]: Pink Cake
Y2-summ-28 Sun [week 24]: Roasted Hazelnuts
Y2-fall-07 Sun [week 25]: Fruit Salad
Y2-fall-14 Sun [week 26]: Blackberry Cobbler
Y2-fall-21 Sun [week 27]: Crab Cakes
Y2-fall-28 Sun [week 28]: Fiddlehead Risotto
Y2-wint-07 Sun [week 29]: Poppyseed Muffin
Y2-wint-14 Sun [week 30]: Lobster Bisque
Y2-wint-21 Sun [week 31]: Bruschetta
Pathoschild (talk) 03:22, 30 September 2019 (UTC)
The last time I tested the Queen of Sauce was January 2017, based on the spreadsheet I have in the "already done" folder on my hard drive. May I say, kudos on the thorough analysis! Thank you! margotbean (talk) 04:06, 30 September 2019 (UTC)